Companies, that trust WUNDERHUB:



Corporate Procurement Strategy



Marketing Portal

Marketingportal WUNDERHUB
Marketingportal WUNDERHUB
Marketingportal WUNDERHUB

Sales Force




Social Media

Digital Assets


Follow Corporate Marketing Strategien with WUNDERHUB
Follow Corporate Marketing Strategien with WUNDERHUB
Follow Corporate Marketing Strategien with WUNDERHUB

Which Level am I ready for?


Features Level 1

Ready to go intuitively in no time at all

The HEIMATBASE is the solid basic version of the marketing portal. With it, you are intuitively ready to go in no time – and in your own corporate design. You immediately feel at home. Level 1 offers a pragmatic, immediate start for professional corporate marketing. Missing something? Just contact Simone from WUNDERHUB - all features are compatible and upgradeable.


Portal & Client

Corporate Design


Layout Editor/Web2Print



Message Center


Storage 20 GB

Heimat Support



Digital Products


Marketing Budget & Planning​

Dashboard & Widgets

Storage 100 GB

Mannschaft Support



Custom Domain​




Storage 200 GB

Transformer Support (SLA)


Features Level 2

Need the multi-client power?

Then the MANNSCHAFTSCLUB is just right for you. In this level, extensive partner networks play by your strategy rules, with full freedom of decision for the local players. They don't even notice. Pimped with even more software features, you control the entire corporate marketing thanks to WUNDERHUB easy & smart. Lukas will be happy to advise you and customize your portal solution for you.


Portal & Client

Corporate Design


Layout Editor/Web2Print



Message Center


Storage 20 GB

Heimat Support




Digital Products


Marketing Budget & Planning​

Dashboard & Widgets

Storage 100 GB

Mannschaft Support



Custom Domain​




Storage 200 GB

Transformer Support (SLA)


Features Level 3

Arrive in marketing heaven 
with best power and performance 

With Level 3, you've reached marketing heaven. Because the possibilities of the WELTENTRANSFORMER are virtually limitless. It is the most powerful and comprehensive multi-portal solution. With the power, there's no holding back. Tell Marcus what you need and it will be "transformed" for you. Be deeply relaxed, because from here on your business and the WUNDERHUB software are one. Open End ...


Portal & Client

Corporate Design


Layout Editor/Web2Print



Message Center


Storage 20 GB

Heimat Support




Digital Products


Marketing Budget & Planning​

Dashboard & Widgets

Storage 100 GB

Mannschaft Support




Custom Domain​




Storage 200 GB

Transformer Support (SLA)

Wunderhub Demo
Wunderhub Demo
Wunderhub Demo

I'll check out a 
demo version

What sounds good in theory looks even better in practice.
Take a look at the use of the functionalities and the many possibilities using the example of an individual implementation for our MUSTERCOMPANY. If everything goes well, it's already pretty self-explanatory.

This might interest me from the WUNDERWELT

Save resources and join forces with a marketing portal

Why do I need a marketing portal?

Marketing in itself means a certain challenge for every company and every brand. With which measures and strategies do I address the defined target group via which channels? Which goals are actually in focus? Are the advertising measures aimed at increasing turnover, profit or market share? Should certain marketing measures be used to sell services or goods? Or is it more about promoting a positive image? Another possibility is to bind customers even more closely to the company. From print to digital: Whatever goals and corresponding activities are chosen, marketing from small companies to large corporations is a continuous process that will only be successful with a systematic and well-planned approach.

In order to clarify the question of why a marketing portal can be helpful in the above-mentioned points, it is worth taking a look at the typical processes and steps in the everyday craft of entrepreneurial marketing: If you do not want to approach the undertaking blindly, you first carry out a customer, market and competitor analysis. Logically, before you get started, you should find out what your chances are and which ones you can realistically seize. Based on this, one or more of the marketing goals already mentioned can be defined. On the basis of these goals, it is then a matter of identifying and consequently developing appropriate strategies and measures that pay off. This is followed by the hot phase and thus the step that many (mis)understand as the core of marketing: the concrete implementation of the planned measures. What should never be missing in the end (but is all too often missing) is a regular and for all involved comprehensible success control, the so-called reporting - in order to either be happy that the plan worked or to make necessary adjustments.

A marketing portal is mainly used for the processes described by companies with a decentralised company structure - meaning with many branches, franchisees, dealers, affiliated agencies or distribution partners. However, very large, widely branched companies and corporations also very often rely on a marketing portal. In this way, the "mothership" can easily and efficiently ensure central, consistent communication and brand management without needing additional local staff in the form of marketing experts or even always having to check all individual measures at the headquarters before publication. The marketing portal enables local partners to independently create CI-compliant marketing materials and advertising materials. The booking, administration and invoicing of individual projects is also made possible. And with that, we are already in the middle of the definition of the tool in question.

What is a marketing portal?

A marketing portal is a customised platform on which the company provides CI-compliant templates and content for sales partners - entirely in the spirit of locally oriented, yet centrally controlled brand management. In this context, "customised" means that the software is individually adapted to the visual and content needs of a particular brand. Of course, only partners authorised by the respective company can use the marketing portal (keyword closed shop). What does use mean? The content provided (layouts, photos, illustrations, sound, video or text material) can be easily downloaded online and adapted to local requirements or personalised - but without compromising the uniform appearance and professionalism (keyword corporate identity, corporate design) of the company as a whole. The marketing portal thus proves to be an ideal, central instrument for organising decentralised brand management.

Other designations for a marketing portal:

  • Distributed Marketing System
  • Marketing Management System (MMS)
  • Marketing Efficiency Cloud
  • Marketing Resource Management (MRM)
  • Local Branding Portal
  • Brand Management System

    By the way: This approach is not only extremely practical "top-down" ( hence from the point of view of the management or the central marketing department). Especially the local branches, purchasing associations, franchisees, retailers etc. appreciate the system and its services. All too often, local partners feel that they are not being heard enough or that their individual local challenges are not being addressed by the central marketing department. With the help of a marketing portal, the partners take their marketing into their own hands - and thus assume responsibility for their own success as well as that of the company or brand.

    How does operating with a marketing portal work?

    First, let's take a quick look at the world of marketing: the theoretical process and its basis have already been explained. When it comes to implementation, a mix of different instruments and channels usually proves to be effective: the so-called "marketing mix". In addition, it is necessary to decide on one or more activities or areas, including:

    • Direct marketing
    • Guerrilla marketing
    • E-mail marketing
    • Public Relation
    • Ethno-Marketing
    • Neuromarketing
    • Online marketing
    • Ambush marketing


    In a marketing portal - also cloud-based if required - users can now find materials (defined and approved in advance by the company's marketing department or management) and suitable templates for the advertising materials, sales documents and marketing measures in question. Tools and applications such as "web-to-print", "web-to-publish", product information systems (PIM), workflow servers, media asset management (MAM), digital asset management (DAM) or media databases go hand in hand, depending on the scope of services booked.

    To illustrate it even more clearly: In the marketing portal, the central marketing department of a brand or the company management provides specially created advertising and marketing documents in the official corporate design for further use. The range depends on the individual wishes of the company and can basically include all conceivable means of communication from print to digital: digital assets, print mailings, e-mails, newsletters, e-papers, landing pages, business stationery, e-commerce products, TV or radio spots, equipment for events such as a trade fair, give-aways, print materials, social media templates and much more.

    Ultimately, not only are the various marketing measures of all partners coordinated in an uncomplicated way, but all customer touchpoints are also managed in one place. Because: local branches, franchisees, etc. can now easily adapt and use selected materials to their individual and local requirements. How far the local branding may go and which areas within the templates the local sales partners may change for any advertising measures is defined in advance.

    What are the benefits of a marketing portal?

    Thanks to its customised services, a marketing portal helps companies in all sectors to handle their marketing processes efficiently and to organise them centrally despite a decentralised structure. The necessary - and until now often time-consuming - dialogue between central marketing and local partners regarding individual content or campaigns (as well as their design and administration) takes on uniform forms and - thanks to intuitive navigation - less time. In short, previously complex work steps are digitised, automated and standardised.

    With the introduction of a marketing portal, all marketing processes and services are simplified and accelerated. This is because local partners are no longer dependent on the head office to produce individual advertising materials. The head office in turn saves resources because it no longer has to solve local problems on an ongoing basis as a kind of design department or in-house agency, but can instead concentrate on its core tasks: The creation of overarching campaigns, for example, or the creation of basic marketing concepts.

    This is accompanied by an increase in transparency and control. A suitable marketing portal creates comprehensible processes and includes clear reporting. Detailed evaluations provide information about the success of sales activities, the profitability of individual measures, potential savings and the possible need for further marketing measures. The standardised processes prove to be significantly more advantageous than the earlier, manually controlled processes. After all, it is the latter that often lead to unnecessary effort: processing errors lead to more time and personnel costs (e.g. in coordination); correction loops between head office and branch office delay the roll-out; the schedule of external agencies interferes; there is a lack of scalable processes etc. With the marketing portal, companies thus gain a complete overview of the marketing activities of local partners for the first time. Budget management and the ability to group users allows the creation and use of centrally generated content (including any advertising subsidies) to be controlled, managed and monitored locally.

    The use of a marketing portal accelerates and, above all, simplifies the entire marketing procedure and reduces the time from campaign development to publication. Finally, the tool can be smoothly integrated into existing processes and thus optimise existing channels. Very convenient: Important services and applications are used in one software: Web-to-print and web-to-publish, product information systems (PIM), workflow server, media asset management (MAM), digital asset management (DAM), media database, disclaimer management and much more.

    If required, interfaces for CRM, CMS, DAM, PIM, MAM, ERP offer numerous possibilities to access existing data and adapt it individually. The range of possible file formats includes all forms of current communication media: from PDF for print to templates or programming codes for all online measures (such as newsletters, shops or social media) to text, image, audio and video formats. This data can be automatically transferred to printers, service providers, publishers, agencies, social media providers, email systems or e-commerce applications. The marketing portal thus bundles numerous services for efficient centralised and decentralised brand management.

    Despite this functional diversity, modern marketing portals score with their enormous user-friendliness. Simple navigation guides the user through the services. Trade partners can edit templates individually without expert knowledge. Pre-defined user data can be automatically integrated into the templates. WYSIWIG editors ("What You See Is What You Get") show even technically inexperienced users immediately what the created format or the advertising measure will look like.

    All in all, a marketing portal proves to be a milestone in the digital transformation of companies. Almost all marketing processes can be digitised completely, without loss and at amazingly manageable costs - both internally and in exchange with external partners or service providers.